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Vision and Values

With Faith, anything is possible
Believe in yourself
With Hope, all things are brighter
Believe in your future
With Love, we are never alone
Believe in others

Micklefield means ‘Great Field’ and this image of a great meadow provides the basis of our school vision.

Within the meadow there is a huge diversity of plant life, grasses, clover, trees, hedgerows and various flowering plants all supporting each other and providing nourishment and safe shelter for many birds, animals and insects. Some of these may be referred to as weeds by gardeners but within our meadow they are all valued as we are reminded of Genesis 1 V31 ‘God saw all he had made, and indeed it was very good’. The meadow cannot stand alone. If it is not cut at the right time the seeds will not scatter and grow and the meadow will not flourish. We all need help to learn, to achieve and to succeed and that is our purpose as a school.

Our school vision is also rooted in the parable of the mustard seed:
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds in the air come and lodge in its branches.  Matthew 13 V31-32.

We firmly believe that we must provide the best possible foundations for every child in our school family to learn and grow; our school needs to be like the best meadow possible so that all the seeds that are sown in our soil can grow to be the strongest plants that reach far and flourish. It reminds us that although we are all individuals, like the small mustard seeds, if we work together as a family we can grow and develop into something wonderful, like the tree. It is important that our children are able to believe in themselves and the possibilities available to them, to learn by embracing challenge, questioning the world around them, reflecting and not being afraid to take risks so that they flourish as unique individuals and role models of the future.

Core Christian Values

Our school vision is underpinned by three core Christian Values: Faith, Hope and Love.
The School’s values seek to underpin the Christian belief that we are all God’s people and that we all matter. We believe that everyone within our school family should be valued and treated with love and respect and that each of us has the right to grow and become the best we can be. Likewise, we believe that we each have a responsibility to show respect and tolerance towards each other. Our shared core values are central to what we believe within school and permeate our daily work, interactions, relationships and decisions we make.

School Aims

Through our vision we aim for children to be:

  • Confident Citizens
  • Community Citizens
  • Conscious Citizens

Through these we aim for children to:

  • Have a lifelong love of learning 
  • Have a love of reading 
  • Understand where they come from and the impact they can have on their communities
  • Be provided with rich and varied experiences 
  • Ensure they feel safe, cared for and respected
  • Treat everyone equally irrespective of gender, race, physical characteristics or any other factors and encourage children to value diversity
  • Develop their confidence, self-belief and self-worth
  • Promote empathy, compassion and caring
  • Develop their ability to communicate and form positive relationships
  • Persevere and feel confident to take risks
  • Promote enthusiasm, laughter and fun
  • Celebrate thrive own and others' achievements
  • Become healthy, active and responsible citizens in a rapidly changing world


We are proud members of the Collaborative Learning Trust, find out more about our joint vision here.