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‘Parents appreciate the effective, individualised provision that is swiftly implemented, enabling pupils to flourish, emotionally and academically. As one parent commented, ‘children at Micklefield are seen as individuals not statistics.’ The school’s proactive approach results in a caring community, where the vision of faith, hope and love ties everything together.’

SIAMS Report 2023

At Micklefield CE Primary Academy, our SENDCo is Mrs Caroline Loring and she can be contacted via the office: 0113 2869232 or

As a school, we endeavour to ensure that all children, regardless of their individual needs, can access a rich and relevant, ambitious curriculum, in order for them to flourish. Our intent is underpinned by a deep understanding of the diverse needs of children with SEND; a commitment to high expectations, and a belief in the importance of early identification and purposeful, quality intervention. Our systematic and collaborative practices are rooted in meaningful, transparent relationships with our children and their families. By listening to each other and working together, we strive to ensure that our children develop a sense of confidence, independence, and self-advocacy, thus enabling them to take ownership of their learning.

A culture of inclusivity is fostered throughout our school, where children with SEND are valued members of the school community, and a strong emphasis is placed on celebrating diversity and promoting understanding and respect for all.

What do I do if I think my child might have special educational needs?

  • Please contact the school and arrange a meeting with your child’s class teacher and /or Mrs Loring, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO).
  • We will listen carefully to your concerns and discuss appropriate actions to support your child. This might involve seeking the advice of other professionals if necessary.

What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?

We have access to a broad range of services to support our children with SEN and/ or disabilities in school. These include:

Health services

  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • CAHMS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
  • School Nursing

Team Educational Specialists:

  • Educational Psychology
  • Complex Needs Team
  • STARS Team (Autism outreach service)

We recognise the need for early support and intervention and have close links with the Early Years Team in Leeds to support children, staff and parents in Reception.

 Our links with Garforth Extended Services also enable us to direct parents/ carers to other services that might be available to support them or their child.

How accessible is the school?

As a school, we are happy to discuss individual access requirements. Facilities we have at the moment include level access to school to make the building accessible to all and a disabled toilet facility.

Who can I contact for further information?

Please contact the school office who will be able to pass on your query to the relevant member of staff.  If you would like to apply for a place they will also be able to give you information on how to apply. There is also a section of our website which covers this. 

If I wish to discuss something about my child?

Please contact your child’s class teacher via email or speak to the school office to arrange an appointment.